Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lesson Plan Week 25 (21/06/10 - 25/06/10)

Time7.05am - 8.15am
Learning areaForces and Pressure
Learning objectiveUnderstanding pressure in liquids
Learning outcomesA student is able to:
  1. relate depth to pressure in liquid
  2. relate density to pressure in liquid
  3. explain pressure in a liquid and state that P = h pg
  1. Teacher recall back last previous lesson
  2. Teacher ask student to observe situations to form ideas that pressure in liquids acts in all direction and increases with depth.
  3. Students explain from the observation and relate depth, (h), density (p) and gravitational strength (g) to pressure in liquids to obtain P=hpg.
  4. Students solve problems involving pressure in liquids.
Teaching aidsPhysics's text book, power point slides, whiteboard, marker and diagram
Noble valuesStudents having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
ReflectionStudents recall back what they have learned last few weeks. Even they still in holiday mood, at least more then half can answer the question given by teacher.

Time9.45am - 10.55am
Learning areaLinear equations
Learning objectiveUnderstanding the concept of linear equations.
Learning outcomesA student is able to solve problems involving linear equations.
  1. Teacher gives a few example how to solve problem involving linear equations
  2. Teacher ask student to solve 5 numerical questions.
Teaching aidsMathematics reference book (Oxford Fajar), blackboard and chalk.
Noble valuesStudents eager to learn and being critical thinking to solve the problems given
ReflectionStudent can solve a few numerical questions by following the step have been shown by the teacher.

Time10.55am - 11.30am
ThemeMatter in nature
Learning areaCarbon Compounds
Learning objectiveAppreciating scientific research on the use of carbon compounds for the betterment of life
Learning outcomesA student is able to describe the importance of scientists' discoveries on the use of carbon compounds.
  1. Teacher ask few questions to checkout student prior knowledge.
  2. Teacher gives students results mid year test.
  3. Discussion
Teaching aidsWhiteboard and marker
Noble valuesStudents having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
Reflection60% of students participate during class discussion.

Time12.05am - 12.40am
ThemeMatter in nature
Learning areaCarbon Compounds
Learning objectiveAppreciating scientific research on the use of carbon compounds for the betterment of life
Learning outcomesA student is able to describe the importance of scientists' discoveries on the use of carbon compounds.
  1. Teacher ask few questions to checkout student prior knowledge.
  2. Teacher gives students results mid year test.
  3. Discussion
Teaching aidsWhiteboard and marker
Noble valuesStudents having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
ReflectionThe students participate during the class discussion.

Time7.05am - 8.15am
Learning areaForces and Pressure
Learning objectiveUnderstanding pressure in liquids
Learning outcomesA student is able to:
  1. relate depth to pressure in liquid
  2. relate density to pressure in liquid
  3. explain pressure in a liquid and state that P = h pg
  1. Teacher recall back last previous lesson
  2. Teacher ask student to observe situations to form ideas that pressure in liquids acts in all direction and increases with depth.
  3. Students explain from the observation and relate depth, (h), density (p) and gravitational strength (g) to pressure in liquids to obtain P=hpg.
  4. Students solve problems involving pressure in liquids.
Teaching aidsPhysics's text book, power point slides, whiteboard, marker and diagram
Noble valuesStudents having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
ReflectionStudents participate during class discussion.

Time8.15am - 9.20am
ThemeForce and Motion
Learning areaMotion
Learning objectiveAnalysing the motion of vehicle on lands
Learning outcomesA student is able to
  1. describe the structure and principle of operation of vehicles without engines
  2. describe the structure and principle of operation of vehicles with engines.
  1. Teacher use courseware to show the operation of bicycle and motorcycle.
  2. Teacher ask student to complete the task in Science Process Skills Book page 84.
  3. Teacher ask student to work in group to solve the Quiz on the screen
  4. Q&A sessions.
Teaching aidsTeaching courseware, Science process skills book, whiteboard and marker
Noble valuesStudents having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
ReflectionStudents enjoyed in class lesson. They participate actively during Q & A session. They complete the task given by the teacher.

Time9.45am - 10.20am
Learning areaForces and Pressure
Learning objectiveUnderstanding Gas Pressure and atmospheric pressure
Learning outcomesA student is able to:
  1. explain gas pressure
  2. explain atmospheric pressure
  3. describe the applications of atmospheric pressure.
  1. Teacher recall back last previous lesson
  2. Teacher show the diagram to gain student ideas and relate it with gas pressure.
  3. Teacher explain what is gas pressure and atmospheric pressure.
  4. Teacher ask student to work in group to find example of the application atmospheric pressure in our daily life.
Teaching aidsPhysics's text book, power point slides, whiteboard, marker and diagram
Noble valuesStudents having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
ReflectionAll the students pay attention during teaching and learning session. They can give at least two example of application of atmospheric pressure in our daily life. The learning outcomes are achieved.

Time10.55am - 11.30am
Learning areaForces and Pressure
Learning objectiveUnderstanding Gas Pressure and atmospheric pressure
Learning outcomesA student is able to:
  1. explain gas pressure
  2. explain atmospheric pressure
  3. describe the applications of atmospheric pressure.
  1. Teacher recall back last previous lesson
  2. Teacher show the diagram to gain student ideas and relate it with gas pressure.
  3. Teacher explain what is gas pressure and atmospheric pressure.
  4. Teacher ask student to work in group to find example of the application atmospheric pressure in our daily life.
Teaching aidsPhysics's text book, power point slides, whiteboard, marker and diagram
Noble valuesStudents having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
ReflectionIn induction session, they can state the formula of pressure and pressure in liquids. At the end of lesson, the can state back what their have learned today.

Time11.30am - 12.40am
ThemeForce and Motion
Learning areaMotion
Learning objectiveAnalysing the motion of vehicle on lands
Learning outcomesA student is able to
  1. describe the structure and principle of operation of vehicles without engines
  2. describe the structure and principle of operation of vehicles with engines.
  1. Teacher use courseware to show the operation of bicycle and motorcycle.
  2. Teacher ask student to complete the task in Science Process Skills Book page 84.
  3. Teacher ask student to work in group to solve the Quiz on the screen
  4. Q&A sessions.
Teaching aidsTeaching courseware, Science process skills book, whiteboard and marker
Noble valuesStudents having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
ReflectionStudents focus during lesson and complete the task given.

Time7.05am - 8.15am
ThemeForce and Motion
Learning areaMotion
Learning objectiveAnalysing the motion of vehicle on lands
Learning outcomesA student is able to
  1. explain the structure and operation of the four stroke petrol engine
  2. explain the structure and operation of the four stroke diesel engine
  3. explain the structure and operation of a two stroke petrol engine
  1. Teacher use courseware to show the structure and operation of
  • four stroke petrol engine
  • four stroke diesel engine
  • two stroke petrol engine

2. Teacher ask student to complete the task in Science Process Skills Book page 84&85.

3. Q&A sessions.
Teaching aidsTeaching courseware, Science process skills book, whiteboard and marker
Noble valuesStudents having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
Reflection70% of the students can explain how four stroke engine and two strokes engine works. 30% of them need guide from teacher to state back how the engine works.

Date 24/06/10
Time 8.15am - 9.20am
Class 4S2
Subject Physics
Learning area Forces and Motion
Learning objective Analysis scientific investigations
Learning outcomes A student is able to:
  1. investigate the relationship between the length and the period of oscillation for a simple pendulum.
  1. Teacher ask students to form 8 groups.
  2. Teacher brief generally about an experiment.
  3. Students works in group to do an experiment.
  4. Teacher ask student to predict, observe and explain the experiment.
Teaching aids Physics's Practical book, stopwatch, metre rule, thread and retort stand.
Noble values Students being honest and accurate in recording and validating data.
Reflection From the observation, student work together in group to completed the experiment. Every students participate during the investigation. At the end of lesson, the can analyse the data and do a conclusion from the experiment.

Time10.20am - 11.30am
ThemeForce and Motion
Learning areaMotion
Learning objectiveAnalysing the motion of vehicle on lands
Learning outcomesA student is able to
  1. explain the structure and operation of the four stroke petrol engine
  2. explain the structure and operation of the four stroke diesel engine
  3. explain the structure and operation of a two stroke petrol engine
  1. Teacher use courseware to show the structure and operation of
  • four stroke petrol engine
  • four stroke diesel engine
  • two stroke petrol engine

2. Teacher ask student to complete the task in Science Process Skills Book page 84& 85.

3. Q&A sessions.
Teaching aidsTeaching courseware, Science process skills book, whiteboard and marker
Noble valuesStudents appreciating the contribution of science and technology.
ReflectionStudents well-mannered during the lesson. In evaluation session, they complete the task given and answered it correctly.

Date 25/06/10
Time 7.05am - 8.15am
Class 4S1
Subject Physics
Learning area Forces and Pressure
Learning objective Understanding gas pressure and atmospheric pressure.
Learning outcomes A student is able to:
  1. solve problems involving atmospheric pressure and gas pressure.
  1. Teacher shows the step how to solve the problem.
  2. Teacher writes a few example of problems involving gas pressure and atmospheric pressure.
  3. Teacher ask students to solve a few numerical of problems.
  4. Homework, Textbook Practice 3.3.
Teaching aids Physics's textbook, whiteboard and marker.
Noble values Students being objective, systematic and daring to try.
Reflection The learning outcomes achieved. Most of the can solve the problem involving gas pressure and atmospheric pressure.

Time9.45am - 10.55am
Learning areaLinear equations
Learning objectiveUnderstanding the concepts of linear equations.
Learning outcomesA student is able to solve problems involving linear equations.
  1. Teacher gives a few example how to solve problem involving linear equations
  2. Teacher ask student to solve 5 numerical questions.
Teaching aidsMathematics reference book (Oxford Fajar), blackboard and chalk.
Noble valuesStudents eager to learn and being critical thinking to solve the problems given
ReflectionStudents try out the question given the teacher. They can solved the problem by using the examples given in the beginning of lesson.

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