· LP Week 26
Date | 25/06/2012 (Monday) |
Time | 7.05am – 8.15am |
Class | 5MPV |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.6 Applying the principle of hydraulic system in everyday life |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. state the principle of transmission of pressure in liquids 2. relate pressure on the small piston to that on large piston in the operation of a hydraulic system 3. explain the effect of transmission of pressure in liquids 4. solve problems transmission of pressure in liquids 5. explain with examples the application of the hydraulic system in everyday life |
Activities | 1. Teacher used the diagram to explain the concept 2. Teacher gain students idea to relate the concept in daily life 3. Working out questions |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | All students working the task in group and completed on time. |
Date | 25/06/2012 (Monday) |
Time | 8.15am – 9.20am |
Class | 5K5 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.5 Synthesising the concept of pressure |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. define pressure P=F/A 2. explain the relationship between pressure, force and surface area 3. explain with examples the application of pressure in everyday life 4. solve problems involving pressure |
Activities | 1. Discussion based on problem statement 2. Experiment 5. 3. Working out questions |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | All students working the task in group and completed on time. |
Date | 25/06/2012 (Monday) |
Time | 10.55am – 11.30am |
Class | 5K2 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.5 Synthesising the concept of pressure |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. define pressure P=F/A 2. explain the relationship between pressure, force and surface area 3. explain with examples the application of pressure in everyday life 4. solve problems involving pressure |
Activities | 1. Discussion based on problem statement 2. Experiment 5. 3. Working out questions |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | All students working the task in group and completed on time. |
Date | 25/06/2012 (Monday) |
Time | 12.05pm – 12.40pm |
Class | 4S3 |
Subject | Physics |
Learning Area | Forces and Pressure |
Learning objective | 3.5 Applying Archimedes’s principle |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to 1. explain buoyant force 2. relate buoyant force to the weight of the liquid displaced |
Activities | 1. Explaining and discussion on theory |
Teaching aids | Physics’s handouts, transparency and textbook |
Noble values | Student is having critical and analytical thinking |
Reflection | 80% of them understand the concept. They can solve the problem and state the applications of the concepts |
CRK for medical check-up : 26/6/12
Date | 27/06/2012 (Wednesday) |
Time | 9.10am -9.55am |
Class | 5K2 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.6 Applying the principle of hydraulic system in everyday life |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. state the principle of transmission of pressure in liquids 2. relate pressure on the small piston to that on large piston in the operation of a hydraulic system 3. explain the effect of transmission of pressure in liquids 4. solve problems transmission of pressure in liquids 5. explain with examples the application of the hydraulic system in everyday life |
Activities | 1. Teacher used the diagram to explain the concept 2. Teacher gain students idea to relate the concept in daily life 3. Working out questions |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | All students working the task in group and completed on time. |
Date | 26/06/2012 (Wednesday) |
Time | 10.10am – 10.40am |
Class | 5K5 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.6 Applying the principle of hydraulic system in everyday life |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. state the principle of transmission of pressure in liquids 2. relate pressure on the small piston to that on large piston in the operation of a hydraulic system 3. explain the effect of transmission of pressure in liquids 4. solve problems transmission of pressure in liquids 5. explain with examples the application of the hydraulic system in everyday life |
Activities | 1. Teacher used the diagram to explain the concept 2. Teacher gain students idea to relate the concept in daily life 3. Working out questions |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | All students working the task in group and completed on time. |
Date | 27/06/2012 (Wednesday) |
Time | 12.10 – 12.40pm |
Class | 5K8 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.6 Applying the principle of hydraulic system in everyday life |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. state the principle of transmission of pressure in liquids 2. relate pressure on the small piston to that on large piston in the operation of a hydraulic system 3. explain the effect of transmission of pressure in liquids 4. solve problems transmission of pressure in liquids 5. explain with examples the application of the hydraulic system in everyday life |
Activities | 1. Teacher used the diagram to explain the concept 2. Teacher gain students idea to relate the concept in daily life 3. discussion |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | Only several of students involved the discussion. |
Date | 28/06/2012 (Thursday) |
Time | 7.05am – 8.15am |
Class | 5K2 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.7 Analysing the motion of vehicles in water |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. state the principle of operation of vehicles in water 2. identify the shape of vehicles in water 3. relate the shapes to the design of vehicles in water 4. state Archimedes’ Principle explain with examples the applications of Archimedes’ principle |
Activities | 1. Discussion 2. Students carry out an experiment 5.14 in group |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | All students participate the investigation and completed the task on time |
Date | 28/06/2012 (Thursday) |
Time | 8.15am – 9.20am |
Class | 4S3 |
Subject | Physics |
Learning Area | Forces and Pressure |
Learning objective | 3.5 Applying Archimedes’s principle |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to 1. state Archimedes’ principle |
Activities | 1. Experiment 3.4 |
Teaching aids | Physics’s handouts, transparency and textbook |
Noble values | Student is having critical and analytical thinking |
Reflection | All students work in group and completed the task on time |
Date | 28/06/2012 (Thursday) |
Time | 10.20am – 11.30am |
Class | 5K5 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.7 Analysing the motion of vehicles in water |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. state the principle of operation of vehicles in water 2. identify the shape of vehicles in water 3. relate the shapes to the design of vehicles in water 4. state Archimedes’ Principle explain with examples the applications of Archimedes’ principle |
Activities | 1. Discussion 2. Students carry out an experiment 5.14 in group |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | All students participate the investigation and completed the task on time |
Date | 29/06/2012 (Friday) |
Time | 7.05am – 8.15am |
Class | 4S3 |
Subject | Physics |
Learning Area | Forces and Pressure |
Learning objective | 3.5 Applying Archimedes’s principle |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to 1. describe applications of Archimedes’ principle 2. solve problem involving Archimedes’ principle |
Activities | 1. Student presentation the group task |
Teaching aids | Physics’s handouts, transparency and textbook |
Noble values | Student is having critical and analytical thinking |
Reflection | There have 8 groups. Only one group not present and not bring the task. At the end, 70% of them understand the concept of Archomedes’ principle. |
Date | 29/06/2012 (Friday) |
Time | 8.15am – 9/20am |
Class | 5MPV |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.7 Analysing the motion of vehicles in water |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. state the principle of operation of vehicles in water 2. identify the shape of vehicles in water 3. relate the shapes to the design of vehicles in water 4. state Archimedes’ Principle explain with examples the applications of Archimedes’ principle |
Activities | 1. Discussion 2. Students carry out an experiment 5.14 in group |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | All students participate the investigation and completed the task on time |
Date | 29/06/2012 (Friday) |
Time | 10.40am – 11.40am |
Class | 5K5 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Force and Motion |
Learning Area | Motion |
Learning objective | 1.7 Analysing the motion of vehicles in water |
Learning outcomes | A student is able to: 1. state the principle of operation of vehicles in water 2. identify the shape of vehicles in water 3. relate the shapes to the design of vehicles in water 4. state Archimedes’ Principle explain with examples the applications of Archimedes’ principle |
Activities | 1. Discussion 2. Students carry out an experiment 5.14 in group |
Teaching aids | Science's textbook, Science Process Skills Book and handouts |
Noble values | Students appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Reflection | Overall, teacher has to guide them step by step how to operate and read the measurement tools. 70% of them focus during the investigation. |