Sunday, September 11, 2011

LP Week 37

Date 12/9/2011 (Monday)
Time 9.45am - 10.20am
Class 4K5
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light, colour and sight
Learning objective 3.1 Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses.
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state the characteristics of image formed by plane mirror.
  • hands-on activity.
  • student predict and observed the image form by plane mirror.
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students exiting learn new topic. They can state the characteristics of image formed by plane mirror.

Date 9/9/2011 (Monday)
Time 11.40am - 12.40am
Class 4K8
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Nuclear energy
Learning objective 2.3 Awareness of the need fro proper handling of radioactive substances
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state the effects of radioactive radiations on living things
  2. describe the correct way of handling radioactive substances and radioactive ways
  3. explain the need for proper handling of radioactive substance and radioactive waste
  • Work group
  • Q&A session
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection 50% of students completed the task.

Date 13/9/2011 (Tuesday)
Time 7.05am - 8.15am
Class 4K5
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light, colour and sight

Learning objective 3.1 Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses.

Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state the characteristics of image formed by convex and concave lens
  • student predict and observed the image form by concave and convex lens.
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students completed the task in group.

Date 13/9/2011 (Tuesday)
Time 10.55am - 11.30am
Class 4K2
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light, colour and sight
Learning objective 3.1 Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses.
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state the characteristics of image formed by plane mirror.
  • hands-on activity.
  • student predict and observed the image form by plane mirror.
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students well mannered in class and the learning outcomes achieved.

Date 13/9/2011 (Tuesday)
Time 12.05am- 12.40am
Class 4MPV
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light, colour and sight
Learning objective 3.1 Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses.
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state the characteristics of image formed by plane mirror.
  • hands-on activity.
  • student predict and observed the image form by plane mirror.
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students doing well and understand the lesson.

Date 14/9/2011 (Wednesday)
Time 7.05am - 8.15am
Class 4K2
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light, colour and sight

Learning objective 3.1 Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses.

Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state the characteristics of image formed by convex and concave lens
  • student predict and observed the image form by concave and convex lens.
  • experiment 7.1&2
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection 90% of students completed the task in time.

Date 14/9/2011 (Wednesday)
Time 9.45am - 10.20am
Class 4K8
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light, colour and sight
Learning objective 3.1 Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses.
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state the characteristics of image formed by plane mirror.
  • hands-on activity.
  • student predict and observed the image form by plane mirror.
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection 50% of them hardly copy and try to understand the lesson. At the end , they can state at least 2 characteristics of image formed by planned mirror.

Date 14/9/2011 (Wednesday)
Time 11.30am - 12.40am
Class 4MPV
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light, colour and sight

Learning objective 3.1 Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses.

Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state the characteristics of image formed by convex and concave lens
  • student predict and observed the image form by concave and convex lens.
  • experiment 7.4
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection All students involved the discussion and completed the task.

Date 15/9/2011 (Thursday)
Time 7.05am - 8.15am
Class 4K5
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light, colour and sight

Learning objective 3.1 Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses.

Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. compare and contrast image of distant objects formed by convex lenses and concave lenses.
  • Discussion activity 7.5
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection 70% of them focus during lesson. They completed the task well.

Date 15/9/2011 (Thursday)
Time 8.15am - 9.25am
Class 4K8
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light, colour and sight

Learning objective 3.1 Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses.

Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. compare and contrast image of distant objects formed by convex lenses and concave lenses.
  • Discussion activity 7.5
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection 70% completed the task. Even only 5 of them eager to learn how to draw the diagram, all of them submit the books for checking.

Class : 5S2
No teaching & learning
Trial exam SPM 2011

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