Monday, September 19, 2011

LP Week 40

Date 5/10/2011 (Wednesday)
Time 7.05am - 8.15am
Class 4K2
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light , Colour and Sight
Learning objective 3.5 Analysing the addition and subtraction of coloured lights
3.6 Applying the principles of subtraction of coloured light to explain the appearance of coloured objects
3.7 Analysing the effect of mixing pigments
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. identify primary and secondary colours
  2. explain how addtion of primary colours produces secondary colours
  3. explain the substraction of colours by coloured filters
  4. explain the appearance of coloured objects under white and coloured light
  5. state of function of rod and cone cell
  6. state what pigment is
  7. list the uses of pigments with addition of colored lights
  8. explain through examples the effects of pigments on light
  9. make conclusions about the mixing pigments
  • Teacher do a demonstration Experiment 7.15 & 7.16
  • Discussion
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students completed the task on time.

Date 5/10/2011 (Wednesday)
Time 9.45am - 10.20am
Class 4K8
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light , Colour and Sight
Learning objective 3.5 Analysing the addition and subtraction of coloured lights
3.6 Applying the principles of subtraction of coloured light to explain the appearance of coloured objects
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. identify primary and secondary colours
  2. explain how addtion of primary colours produces secondary colours
  3. explain the substraction of colours by coloured filters
  4. explain the appearance of coloured objects under white and coloured light
  5. state of function of rod and cone cell
  • Teacher do a demonstration Experiment 7.15 & 7.16
  • Discussion
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students completed the task on time.

Date 5/10/2011 (Wednesday)
Time 11.30am - 12.40pm
Class 4MPV
Subject Science
Theme Energy in Life
Learning area Light , Colour and Sight
Learning objective 3.5 Analysing the addition and subtraction of coloured lights
3.6 Applying the principles of subtraction of coloured light to explain the appearance of coloured objects
3.7 Analysing the effect of mixing pigments
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. identify primary and secondary colours
  2. explain how addtion of primary colours produces secondary colours
  3. explain the substraction of colours by coloured filters
  4. explain the appearance of coloured objects under white and coloured light
  5. state of function of rod and cone cell
  6. state what pigment is
  7. list the uses of pigments with addition of colored lights
  8. explain through examples the effects of pigments on light
  9. make conclusions about the mixing pigments
  • Teacher do a demonstration Experiment 7.15 & 7.16
  • Discussion
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students completed the task on time.

Date 6/10/2011 (Thursday)
Time 12.05pm - 12.40pm
Class 5S2
Subject Physics
Learning area Syllabus Form 5
Learning objective Chapter 1 - 4
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. solving the problem by using physics formula
  • Working out pass years questions
Teaching aids Buku Soalan-soalan peperiksaan 2006-2010 and Physics reference book
Noble values Students is daring to try.
Reflection S

Date 7/10/2011 (Friday)
Time 7.05am - 8.15am
Class 5S2
Subject Physics
Learning area Syllabus Form 5
Learning objective Chapter 1 - 4
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. solving the problem by using physics formula
  • Working out pass years questions
Teaching aids Buku Soalan-soalan peperiksaan 2006-2010 and Physics reference book
Noble values Students is daring to try.
Reflection Students doing well and eager to find the solutions.

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