Wednesday, August 10, 2011

LP Week 33

Date 15.8.2011 (Monday)
Time Period 5
Class 4K5
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.4 Applying the concepts of reactivity series of metals
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. relate the position of metals in the reactivity series to the method of extraction of metals from their ores
  2. explain with examples the process of extraction of a metal from its ore using carbon
  3. state the importance of the reactivity series
  1. Discussion
  2. Working out questions in workbook
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students completed the task given by teacher.

Date 15.8.2011 (Monday)
Time Period 7&8
Class 4K8
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.4 Applying the concepts of reactivity series of metals
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. relate the position of metals in the reactivity series to the method of extraction of metals from their ores
  2. explain with examples the process of extraction of a metal from its ore using carbon
  3. state the importance of the reactivity series
  1. Discussion
  2. Working out questions in workbook
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection 50% completed task on workbook and the rest only copying in notebook.

Date 16.8.2011 (Tuesday)
Time Period 1&2
Class 4K5
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.5 Understanding electrolysis
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state what electrolysis is
  2. state what anode, cathode, anion, cation and electrolyte are
  3. describe the electrolysis of an electrolyte using carbon electrodes
  4. explain the uses of electrolysis in industry
  1. Explaining
  2. Student given a diagram to label anode, cathode, anion ,cation and electrolyte and definition.
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students draw the electrolyte cells and label the diagram.

Date 16.8.2011 (Tuesday)
Time Period 3&4
Class 5S2
Subject Physics
Learning area Electronics
Learning objective 5.3 Understanding the uses of radioisotopes
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. define radioisotopes
  2. name example of radioisotopes
  3. describe application of radioisotopes
Activities 1. Discuss radioisotopes
Teaching aids Physics Textbook and hand outs.
Noble values Students being accurate and validating data.
Reflection 80% of students participate actively during the discussion and completed the task.

Date 16.8.2011 (Tuesday)
Time Period 7
Class 4K2
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.5 Understanding electrolysis
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state what electrolysis is
  2. state what anode, cathode, anion, cation and electrolyte are
  3. describe the electrolysis of an electrolyte using carbon electrodes
  4. explain the uses of electrolysis in industry
  1. Explaining
  2. Student given a diagram to label anode, cathode, anion ,cation and electrolyte and definition.
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection All students well0mannered and completed the task.

Date 16.8.2011 (Tuesday)
Time Period 9
Class 4MPV
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.5 Understanding electrolysis
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state what electrolysis is
  2. state what anode, cathode, anion, cation and electrolyte are
  3. describe the electrolysis of an electrolyte using carbon electrodes
  4. explain the uses of electrolysis in industry
  1. Explaining
  2. Student given a diagram to label anode, cathode, anion ,cation and electrolyte and definition.
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection The lesson going as planned. Students completed the task.

Date 17.8.2011 (Wednesday)
Time Period 1&2
Class 4K2
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.6 Understanding the production of electrical energy from chemical reactions
1.7 Understanding chemical reactions that occur in the presence of light
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. describe how simple cell works
  2. list the various types of cells and their uses
  3. state the advantages and disadvantages of various types of cells
  4. give examples of chemical reactions which require light
  5. explain the effect of light on photosensitive chemicals
  6. explain why certain chemicals are stored in dark bottles
  1. Discussion trough diagram
  2. Q&A questions
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection 70% students completed the task and only a few of them always be highlight to submit the task.

Date 18.8.2011 (Wednesday)
Time Period 5
Class 4K8
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.5 Understanding electrolysis
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. state what electrolysis is
  2. state what anode, cathode, anion, cation and electrolyte are
  3. describe the electrolysis of an electrolyte using carbon electrodes
  4. explain the uses of electrolysis in industry
  1. Explaining
  2. Student given a diagram to label anode, cathode, anion ,cation and electrolyte and definition.
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Student draw and label the diagram. At least they know some part in electrolyte cell.

Date 17.8.2011 (Wednesday)
Time Period 8&9
Class 4MPV
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.6 Understanding the production of electrical energy from chemical reactions
1.7 Understanding chemical reactions that occur in the presence of light
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. describe how simple cell works
  2. list the various types of cells and their uses
  3. state the advantages and disadvantages of various types of cells
  4. give examples of chemical reactions which require light
  5. explain the effect of light on photosensitive chemicals
  6. explain why certain chemicals are stored in dark bottles
  1. Discussion trough diagram
  2. Q&A questions
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
Reflection Students doing well and completed the task on time. The learning outcomes are achieved.

Date 19.8.2011 (Thursday)
Time Period 1&2
Class 4K5
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.6 Understanding the production of electrical energy from chemical reactions
1.7 Understanding chemical reactions that occur in the presence of light
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. describe how simple cell works
  2. list the various types of cells and their uses
  3. state the advantages and disadvantages of various types of cells
  4. give examples of chemical reactions which require light
  5. explain the effect of light on photosensitive chemicals
  6. explain why certain chemicals are stored in dark bottles
  1. Discussion trough diagram
  2. Q&A questions
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment

Date 18.8.2011 (Thursday)
Time Period 3&4
Class 4K8
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.6 Understanding the production of electrical energy from chemical reactions
1.7 Understanding chemical reactions that occur in the presence of light
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. describe how simple cell works
  2. list the various types of cells and their uses
  3. state the advantages and disadvantages of various types of cells
  4. give examples of chemical reactions which require light
  5. explain the effect of light on photosensitive chemicals
  6. explain why certain chemicals are stored in dark bottles
  1. Discussion trough diagram
  2. Q&A questions
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment

Date 18.8.2011 (Thursday)
Time Period 9
Class 5S2
Subject Physics
Learning area Electronics
Learning objective 5.4 Understanding nuclear energy
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. define atomic mass unit
  2. describe nuclear fission
  3. give examples of nuclear fission
Activities 1. View computer simulation to gain an idea of nuclear fission, chain reactions and nuclear fusion
Teaching aids Physics Textbook and hand outs.
Noble values Students realising that science is a means to understand nature

Date 19.8.2011 (Friday)
Time Period 1&2
Class 4K2
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.8 Appreciating the innovative efforts in the design of equipment using chemical reactions as sources of energy
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. describe how energy obtained from chemical reactions should be used efficiently to prevent wastage
  2. describe how equipment utilising chemical reactions as sources of energy should be disposed to reduce environmental pollution
  3. give suggestions on new ways of using chemical reactions as sources of energy for equipment
  1. Discussion
  2. Working out questions
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment

Date 19.8.2011 (Friday)
Time Period 3&4
Class 5S2
Subject Physics
Learning area Electronics
Learning objective 5.4 Understanding nuclear energy
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. describe chain reactions
  2. describe nuclear fission
  3. give examples of nuclear fusion
Activities 1. View computer simulation to gain an idea of chain reactions and nuclear fission
Teaching aids Physics Textbook and hand outs.
Noble values Students realising that science is a means to understand nature

Date 19.8.2011 (Friday)
Time Period 7&8
Class 4MPV
Subject Science
Energy in Life
Learning area Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning objective 1.8 Appreciating the innovative efforts in the design of equipment using chemical reactions as sources of energy
Learning outcomes A student is able to
  1. describe how energy obtained from chemical reactions should be used efficiently to prevent wastage
  2. describe how equipment utilising chemical reactions as sources of energy should be disposed to reduce environmental pollution
  3. give suggestions on new ways of using chemical reactions as sources of energy for equipment
  1. Discussion
  2. Working out questions
Teaching aids Science's textbook and Science Process Skills Book.
Noble values Students having an interest and curiosity towards the environment

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