Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lesson Plan Week 6 (08/02/2010 - 12/02/2010)

Date 08/02/2010 (Monday)
Time 7.05a.m. – 8.15 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.1 Analysing Linear Motion
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. solve problems on linear motion with uniform acceleration using

s=( (u+v) t)/2

v = u +at
s = ut + 1/2 at2
v2 = u2 +2as

  1. Discussing previous lesson
  2. Explaining how to solve problem how to use equations of motion
  3. Working out questions (Longmann, Physics Form 4)
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Longmann)
ReflectionStudents get engaged during the lesson. Only some of them still in confusing which formula must be used to answer the problem given. Teacher give a few days to them to settle down the worksheet given.

Date 08/02/2010 (Monday)
Time 8.15 a.m. – 9.20 a.m.
SubjectMathematics (PMM)
Learning Area
Quadratic Expressions and Equations
Learning Objective
Quadratic Expressions
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. used the correct function and solved problems given
  1. student working out 10 numerical question.
Teaching AidsReference book - Mathematics Form 4 ( Longmann)
ReflectionStudents still need guide from teacher to solve the problem. Teacher show them step by step, slowly and make it them understand. At the end, 50% of them can answer the question given

Date 08/02/2010 (Monday)
Time 10.55 a.m. – 11.30a.m.
Man and variety of living things
Learning Area
Microorganism and their effects on living things
Learning Objective
1.5 Analysing ways to prevent infection caused by microorganisms
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. list ways to prevent infection
2. relate the control of vector to their habits and life cycles
  1. Students discuss task given in group.
  2. Student list the ways and draw a vector's life cycles in notebook.
Teaching AidsScience Form 5 Textbook
Noble Value
Student cooperate each other to complete the task.
ReflectionStudent takes so much time to list out the ways to prevent infection caused by microorganism. It is because some of them only bring science process skills book. So that, they not have enough book as reference.

Date 08/02/2010 (Monday)
Time 12.05 pm – 12.40pm
Man and variety of living things
Learning Area
Microorganism and their effects on living things
Learning Objective
1.5 Analysing ways to prevent infection caused by microorganisms
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. list ways to prevent infection
2. relate the control of vector to their habits and life cycles
  1. Students discuss task given in group.
  2. Student list the ways and draw a vector's life cycles in notebook.
Teaching AidsScience Form 5 Textbook
Noble Value
Student cooperate each other to complete the task.
ReflectionStudents try out the task given. Only four group of them complete the task given. The rest continued it at home as homework.

Date 09/02/2010 (Tuesday)
Time 7.05a.m. – 8.15 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.2 Analysing motion graphs
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. deduce from the shape of a displacement-time graph with a body is:
a. at rest
b. moving with uniform velocity
c. moving with non-uniform velocity
  1. Discussing previous lesson
  2. Quiz
  3. Students plot, describe and interpret graph
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Nexus, Sasbadi)
ReflectionBased on quiz (previous lesson), there still have student cannot answer the simple question. At the end of class, students can analyze the s-t graphs.

Date 10/02/10 (Wednesday)
Time 8.15 am - 9.20 am
Man and variety of living things
Learning Area
Microorganism and their effects on living things
Learning Objective
1.2 Factors that effect the growth of microorganism
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. identify that temperature can affect the growth of bacteria
  1. Students design an experiment in group.
  2. Student predict, observed and explain based on experiment
Teaching AidsScience Process Skills
Noble Value
Student cooperate each other to complete the task.
ReflectionStudents show their interest doing PEKA experiment. They work together to complete the task given.

Date 10/02/10 (Wednesday)
Time 9.45a.m. – 10.20 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.2 Analysing motion graphs
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. deduce from the shape of a displacement-time graph with a body is:
a. at rest
b. moving with uniform velocity
c. moving with non-uniform velocity
  1. Discussing previous lesson
  2. Quiz
  3. Students plot, describe and interpret graph
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Physics SPM, Pelangi)
ReflectionAt the end of lesson students can analyse the shape of a displacement-time graph.

Date 10/02/10 (Wednesday)
Time 10.55a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.2 Analysing motion graphs
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. deduce from the shape of a velocity-time graph with a body is:
a. at rest
b. moving with uniform velocity
c. moving with non-uniform velocity
  1. Discussing previous lesson
  2. Students plot, describe and interpret graph
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Physics SPM, Pelangi)
ReflectionMost of students can analyse the shape of a velocity - time graph.

Date 10/02/10 (Wednesday)
Time 11.30 am - 12.40 pm
Man and variety of living things
Learning Area
Microorganism and their effects on living things
Learning Objective
1.2 Factors that effect the growth of microorganism
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. identify that temperature can affect the growth of bacteria
  1. Students design an experiment in group.
  2. Student predict, observed and explain based on experiment
Teaching AidsScience Process Skills
Noble Value
Student cooperate each other to complete the task.
ReflectionStudents shows their curiosity doing experiment. They work together to complete the PEKA report.

Date 11/02/2010 (Thursday)
Time 7.05 am - 8.15 am
Man and variety of living things
Learning Area
Microorganism and their effects on living things
Learning Objective
1.5 Analysing ways to prevent infection caused by microorganisms
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. list ways to prevent infection
2. relate the control of vector to their habits and life cycles
Activities1. Group discussion ( continue previous lesson - Monday)
Teaching AidsScience Form 5 Textbook and reference book ( NEXUS, Sasbadi)
Noble Value
Appreciating and practicing clean and healthy living.
ReflectionStudents understand how to prevent trough sterilization and related the ideas in their daily life.

Date 11/02/2010 (Thursday)
Time 8.15 am - 9.20 am
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.2 Analysing motion graphs
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. deduce from the shape of a velocity-time graph with a body is:
a. at rest
b. moving with uniform velocity
c. moving with uniform acceleration

2. determine distance, displacement, velocity and acceleration from
a velocity-time graph.
3. solve problems on linear motion with uniform acceleration
  1. Discussing previous lesson
  2. Students analyse the graph
  3. Student working out worksheet given by teacher
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Physics SPM, Pelangi)
ReflectionAfter detail explanation group to group, the students is able to analyse (s-t) graph and (v-t) graph.

Date 11/02/2010 (Thursday)
Time10.20 am - 11.30 am
Man and variety of living things
Learning Area
Microorganism and their effects on living things
Learning Objective
1.5 Analysing ways to prevent infection caused by microorganisms
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. list ways to prevent infection
2. relate the control of vector to their habits and life cycles
Activities1. Group discussion ( continue previous lesson - Monday)
Teaching AidsScience Form 5 Textbook and reference book ( NEXUS, Sasbadi)
Noble Value
Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living.
ReflectionToday, students stay calm in class. They focus, but still need to explain so many time. But the end of lesson, 60% know what they have learned today

Date 12/02/2010 (Friday)
Time7.05 am - 8.15 am
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.2 Analysing motion graphs
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. deduce from the shape of a velocity-time graph with a body is:
a. at rest
b. moving with uniform velocity
c. moving with uniform acceleration

2. determine distance, displacement, velocity and acceleration from
a velocity-time graph.
3. solve problems on linear motion with uniform acceleration
  1. Discussing previous lesson
  2. Students analyse the graph
  3. Student working out worksheet given by teacher
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Physics SPM, Pelangi)
ReflectionAt the end of the lesson, 80% students can analyse the graph (s-t) and (v-t) and solved the questions given. During the lesson, they show curiosity towards how to analyse the graph in simple way.

Date 12/02/2010 (Friday)
Time 8.50 am - 9.20 am
SubjectMathematics (PMM)
Learning Area
Learning Objective
Multiplication and division of integer
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. master in integer multiplication.
  1. student working out 10 numerical question.
  2. Q&A session
Teaching AidsMultiplying Integer Quizmaster (
ReflectionStudents try their own to solve the problems using rules of multiplication given by teacher. 70% students participate during Q&A session


  1. Thanks a lot for sending the RPH. Job well done and keep up the good job. See you again

  2. WOW.. Sai.. thanks for sharing
