Monday, February 1, 2010

Lesson plan Week 5 (01/02/2010 - 06/02/2010)

Date 01/02/10 (Monday)
Time 7.00a.m. – 8.15 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.1 Analysing Linear Motion
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. define distance, displacement, speed and velocity
2. calculate speed and velocity
  1. Discussing previous lesson
  2. Working out questions (Longmann, Physics Form 4)
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Longmann)
ReflectionMost of student can state what is distance, displacement, speed and velocity , and related it with previous lesson. All student participate during class discussion.

Date 01/02/2010 (Monday)
Time8.15 a.m. – 9.20 a.m.
SubjectMathematics (PMM)
Learning AreaAlgebra Expansion
Learning OutcomesStudents should be able to solve problems involving addition and subtraction in algebra expansion
  1. Students working out questions given by the teacher
Teaching AidsMathematics text book
Reflection40% of students have been able to solve problem simple addition and subtractions of algebra. They need to show them step by step how to solve the problem.

Date 01/02/10 (Monday)
Time10.55 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
ThemeMan and the variety of living things
Learning AreaMicroorganism and their effects on living things
Learning objective
The harmful effects of microorganism
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. state the harmful effects of microorganism on a human being
2. relate each group of microorganism to the disease caused by it
  1. Student copy the notes given
  2. Discussing about the microorganism which can cause disease
  3. Q & A sessions. Ask student to conclude what their have learn today
Teaching AidsNotes and Science Form 5 text book
Noble values
Student appreciate the balance of nature
ReflectionOnly several student participate during class discussion (Q&A). Rest of them keep listening from their friends.

Date 01/02/10 (Monday)
Time12.05 p.m. – 12.40 a.m.
ThemeMan and the variety of living things
Learning AreaMicroorganism and their effects on living things
Learning objective
The harmful effects of microorganism
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. state the harmful effects of microorganism on a human being
2. relate each group of microorganism to the disease caused by it
  1. Student copy the notes given
  2. Discussing about the microorganism which can cause disease
  3. Q & A sessions. Ask student to conclude what their have learn today
Teaching AidsNotes and Science Form 5 text book
Noble values
Student appreciate the balance of nature
Reflection50% student keep focusing during explanation. 50% not giving attention and did not interested what teacher going to explain. Maybe the lesson was at last period of the day.

Date 01/02/10 (Tuesday)
Time 7.05a.m. – 8.15 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.1 Analysing Linear Motion
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. define distance, displacement, speed and velocity
2. calculate speed and velocity
3. define acceleration and deceleration
  1. Discussing previous lesson
  2. Working out questions (Nexus Sasbadi, Physics SPM)
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Nexus)
Reflection80% of learning outcomes achieved. Most of student participates during the Q&A session and state what their have learned today.

Date 03/02/10 (Wednesday)
Time8.15 a.m. – 9.20 a.m.
ThemeMan and the variety of living things
Learning AreaMicroorganism and their effects on living things
Learning objective
The harmful effects of microorganism
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. describe the major symptoms of diseases caused by each group of microorganism
2. describe the various ways how microorganism can cause infection
  1. Student copy the notes given
  2. Working out question ( Science Form 5 Textbook, page 18)
Teaching AidsNotes and Science Form 5 text book
Noble values
Student appreciate the balance of nature
ReflectionStudents try to answer all the questions given.

Date 03/02/10 (Wednesday)
Time 9.45a.m. – 10.20 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.1 Analysing Linear Motion
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. define acceleration and deceleration
2. calculate acceleration and deceleration
  1. Refreshing previous lesson
  2. Working out questions (Longmann, Physics Form 4)
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Longmann)
ReflectionStudents pay attention during the explanation and work out question given. The learning outcomes achieved.

Date 03/02/10 (Wednesday)
Time 10.55a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.1 Analysing Linear Motion
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. relating displacement, velocity, acceleration and time with ticker timer
  1. Explain how its related each other
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Longmann)
ReflectionMost of student can solve the problem given. They understand how to solve involving linear motion through ticker tape.

Date 03/02/10 (Wednesday)
Time11.30 a.m. – 12.40 a.m.
ThemeMan and the variety of living things
Learning AreaMicroorganism and their effects on living things
Learning objective
The harmful effects of microorganism
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. describe the major symptoms of diseases caused by each group of microorganism
2. describe the various ways how microorganism can cause infection
  1. Student copy the notes given
  2. Working out question ( Science Form 5 Textbook, page 18)
Teaching AidsNotes and Science Form 5 text book
Noble values
Student appreciate the balance of nature
ReflectionStudents pay attention during explanation. But there also a group of student not interested in science subject. The rest try out the question given by teacher.

Date 04/02/10 (Thursday)
Time7.05 a.m. – 8.15 a.m.
ThemeMan and the variety of living things
Learning AreaMicroorganism and their effects on living things
Learning objective
Sythesising ideas about the factor that affects growth of microorganism
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. design an experiment to study how the temperature effects growth of microorganism
  1. Students prepare a report for the experiment
  2. Student discuss among them and making hypothesis.
Teaching AidsScience Process Skills Form 5
Noble values
Students having interest and curiosity towards environment
ReflectionA few students shows their preparation for PEKA trough writing report. The rest looks having an experiment is just a part to pass the exam.

Date 04/02/10 (Thursday)
Time 8.15a.m. – 9.20 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.1 Analysing Linear Motion
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. relating distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration with ticker timer
  1. Explaining hows its relate with linear motion
  2. Working out questions
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4 and Reference book (Nexus Longmann)
ReflectionThe learning outcomes achieved. Most of student can solve the problem given.

Date 04/02/10 (Thursday)
Time10.20 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
ThemeMan and the variety of living things
Learning AreaMicroorganism and their effects on living things
Learning objective
Sythesising ideas about the factor that affects growth of microorganism
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. design an experiment to study how the temperature effects growth of microorganism
  1. Students prepare a report for the experiment
  2. Student discuss among them and making hypothesis.
Teaching AidsScience Process Skills Form 5
Noble values
Students having interest and curiosity towards environment
ReflectionStudents show their effort writing report for PEKA preparation. T

Date 05/02/10 (Friday)
Time 7.05a.m. – 8.15 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.1 Analysing Linear Motion
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. relating distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration with ticker timer
  1. Revise previous lesson trough discussion
  2. Working out questions
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4, worksheet and reference book (Nexus Longmann)
ReflectionStudents complete the worksheet give. The learning outcomes for today class achieved.

Date 05/02/2010 (Friday)
Time8.15 a.m. – 9.20 a.m.
SubjectMathematics (PMM)
Learning AreaInteger ( Addition and Subtraction)
Learning OutcomesStudents should be able to solve problems involving integer addition and subtraction
  1. Students working out questions given by the teacher
Teaching AidsQ&A
Reflection60% student complete the exercise given. The rest of them must show step by step how to solve it.

Date 06/02/10 (Saturday)
Time 7.05a.m. – 8.15 a.m.
Learning Area
Force and Motion
Learning Objective
2.1 Analysing Linear Motion
Learning OutcomesA student should be able to
1. solve problems on linear motion with uniform acceleration using by using

S=( (u+v) t)/2

v = u +at
s = ut + 1/2 at2
v2 = u2 +2as

  1. Working out question through worksheet given
Teaching AidsTextbook Physics Form 4, worksheet and reference book (Nexus Longmann)
Reflection60% students understanding how to use the equation based on question given. The rest of them still confusing which formula they must used to answer the question. For next class I have to give a few example of questions involving equation of motion. So that, they can see which equations is most suitable for the question.

Date 06/02/2010 (Saturday)
Time8.15 a.m. – 9.20 a.m.
SubjectMathematics (PMM)
Learning AreaInteger ( Addition and Substraction)
Learning OutcomesStudents should be able to solve problems involving integer addition and subtraction
  1. Quiz ( 10 questions)
Teaching AidsBlackboard
Reflection70% of students know how to use a calculator to answer the quiz. They can solve it by themselves without guide from teacher. Well done.

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